Only Admins can request a physical card while using TERA. Here’s how you can request a physical card:
- Go to Spend Management.
- Then in the dropdown select Cards.
- Cards option gives you details about all the information about all your virtual and physical cards.
- Cards Request tab provides you a list of requests you have made for all types of cards.
- The Request New Card option will give you access to make a new request for a new physical card.
- Click the Request New Card option.
- Request For is a field where you will insert the name of the employee for whom the request is being made.
- Request type is a dropdown option where you need to select the type of the request made. In the case of a Physical card request, you need to choose Request New Card.
- Request Amount is the field where you will define the maximum limit of the purchase you want for the card.
- Purpose Summary must have the description mentioning the crux of the card request made.
- Purpose Detail must have a detailed articulation of why the card is needed and what type of card is needed, in this case it must be specific that a physical card is needed.